5 favourites

A Song:

I don’t have a favorite song, but two of the songs I like the most are from the album "Vessel" by Twenty One Pilots. Today, I’d like to mention the song "House of Gol
d." It’s a song with very nice vibes and sounds very cheerful. I really like it.

A Film:

My favorite movie is "The Devil Wears Prada." I can watch it many times without getting tired. There’s something entertaining about it every time I see it, and it doesn’t get boring even if you know what’s going to happen.

A Piece of Technology:

I love technology and I’m always using it. My favorite device is definitely Alexa. I think it has a lot of potential that hasn’t been explored yet, but it makes your life easier in very simple ways, especially with my morning routine. My dream is that one day Alexa can be like Jarvis, but for now, I’ll be happy with her.

A Book:

Even if it’s the most cliché thing, my favorite book will always be "The Little Prince." No matter what, this book has a charm and magic that makes you connect and feel at peace every time you read it.

A Souvenir:

I’m not sure if this is considered a souvenir, but I have a rubber duck that I bought with an old friend from university when this inflatable duck came to Chile. I keep it with a lot of love.


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